Task Force on LGBTQ+ Inclusion Highlights Blue Book Report to Launch Pride Month

The Blue Book” — a book containing reports from boards, committees, and commissions for the General Convention of the Episcopal Church — is published and distributed to delegates and other participants prior to each General Convention.

On this first day of June — as we celebrate the launch of Pride Month and look forward to the 81st General Convention June 23-28 — the Episcopal Church’s Task Force on LGBTQ+ Inclusion is highlighting their Blue Book Report as a resource not only for those gathering in Louisville but for the whole church.

“The fact that there is a Blue Book Report to the church on the work of a Task Force on LGBTQ+ Inclusion is in and of itself a benchmark moment worthy of celebration,” said the Reverend Susan Russell, the task force’s chair. “Our report offers both an overview of the scope of work we have been charged to do and a timeline of the arc of the history of the Episcopal Church bending toward full inclusion for God’s LGBTQ+ beloved.”

“As we head to Louisville, we know that we stand on the shoulders of those who have labored tirelessly to make the 1976 promise of ‘full and equal claim on the pastoral care, love and concern’ of the church not just a resolution but a reality in this Episcopal Church we love, serve and challenge to become the Beloved Community God would have us be. And we are honored to offer our report as a resource to both celebrate the work of the past and empower us for the work ahead as we move into God’s future.”

Read the Task Force on LGBTQ+ Inclusion Blue Book Report here:

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