2024 LGBTQ+ Caucus Endorsements

The LGBTQ+ Caucus met on Saturday, June 15 via Zoom to vote on endorsing both resolutions and candidates for elected positions. Resolutions considered for endorsement were recommended by Caucus members. All persons seeking elected positions were contacted by the Endorsements Committee of the Caucus, and were requested to complete a questionnaire if they wished to be considered for endorsement. Adopted endorsements are as follows:

Endorsements of Candidates for Elected Positions:

President of the House of Deputies

No Endorsement

The Caucus did contact the three candidates running for President of the House of Deputies, and all three responded. At our meeting on Saturday, June 15, it was the will of the Caucus, given the unique and unprecedented circumstances of this particular election, that we not give endorsement to any of the candidates, though they are all uniquely gifted and each possess qualities that are gifts to the Church.

Vice President of the House of Deputies

Ruth Meyers – Diocese of California

Church Pension Group (Elect 12)

  1. David A. Heywood – Diocese of Washington & Central Pennsylvania
  2. Tracy Johnson Russell – Diocese of Connecticut
  3. Austin K. Rios – Diocese of California
  4. Michael Barlowe – Diocese of California
  5. Sam Candler – Diocese of Atlanta
  6. Yvonne O’ Neal – Diocese of New York
  7. Billy Boyce – Diocese of Massachusetts
  8. Linda Watt – Diocese of Western North Carolina
  9. Sharon Brown-Veillard – Diocese of Long Island

Disciplinary Board for Bishops (Lay Members, Elect 2)

  1. Nathan Brown – Diocese of Washington
  2. Alan Murray – Diocese of Western Oregon

Court of Review (Lay Members, Elect 7)

  1. Laura Russell – Diocese of Newark
  2. Sharon Henes – Diocese of Connecticut
  3. Matthew Taylor – Diocese of Washington 

Court of Review (Clergy Members, Elect 7)

  1. Karen Coleman – Diocese of Massachusetts

Executive Council (Elect 6)

  1. Laura Russell – Diocese of Newark
  2. Heidi J. Kim – Diocese of Minnesota

Endorsements of Resolutions:

Resolution NumberTitle
A014Addition of Laurence Whipp to LFF
A044Develop Sustainable Congregational Revialization Ministries
A045Celebrate & Support the Planting of New Episcopal Worshipping Communites
A049Affirming the Goal of Full Communion between TEC & UMC
A065Amend Canon III.1.3
A072Amend Article X of the Constitution of The Episcopal Church [Of the Book of Common Prayer — Second Reading]
*Q&A: https://oneinthespiritedla.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/article-x-explained.pdf
A091Definition of doctrine
A092Access to ordination and deployment
A094Communion across difference
A096TF on Equipping a Church grounded in Justice and Christian Ministry
A116Marriage Rites for Inclusion in the Book of Common Prayer (First Reading)
A144Application of Canon I.17.5 & III.1.2
A145Urging Pastoral Compassion and Discretion for Clergy & Laity who disclose diverse Family & Household Structures
A160Revise Catechism of the Book of Common Prayer
C010Access to Prison Ministries
D015Examine the disparity in treatment in the adjudication of Clergy under Title IV Disciplinary Process by Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation
D031Addressing the Ongoing Harm of Coercive and Abusive Christian Ministries
D035Authorize Witnessing & Blessing of Marriage
D066Creating a Task Force for Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Reconciliation for LGBTQIA+
For more information, please see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nKvWjxeKW2VrMERS3AwylbXwL0fyioQo3DDz-gjbE-s/edit?usp=sharing

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